Things are about to get interesting. It's the beginning of the Final Four weekend in St. Louis and I'm downtown, in the midst of it all. So you know I want to get out and about in the midst of all the happenings and soak it all in and find some new characters for my books! LOL But this is going to take a little management. For one, I need to finish up my proofread because that's due Tuesday. Then, I have a temporary assignment at one of the downtown hotels. My hotel is the second hotel down from the Dome, where the games are being played. Oh, boy, this is always an interesting site to see. Lots of people go star gazing. Just hanging out to see what famous people they can catch a glimpse of, take pictures with, and get an autograph from. Me? I've never been much of a star gazer. I could care less about somebody scribbling their name on a piece of paper....well...unless it's a famous author that I idolize. Otherwise, I'll just go for the memory. But what I like to do is go groupie gazing. Man! Groupies are the most interesting and comical group of people you could ever see. Full of excitement, fantasy, mixed with a touch of delusion. And their choice of how to present themselves on that particular day ranges from understated and inconspicuous to "what in the hell was she thinking?" and " that AIN'T the momma!" LOL
And fellow writers, you know the routine. LOL You stroll around and listen for dialogue. Listen to people scheming to get into so and so's hotel room. Listening to others think out loud of how if they can get into the line of sight of so and so, then so and so would realize that she was the one he's been looking for all his life, and he'll pull her out of the crowd and they'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.
Yes, I love groupies. I'm going groupie watching this weekend!